Ampersand Aquaboard - a great alternative to your regular watercolour paper!

Aquaboards are great alternatives to watercolour papers with two added advantages - they don’t require framing and wrap with the changes in humidity. So, for the artists who keep on piling their already piled up stacks of watercolour paintings, waiting to be framed and hung, the Ampersand Aquaboard is a money and life saver!

Aquaboard is an acid-free, textured coated hardboard panel that absorbs watercolours like a fine paper. It gives a watercolourist the opportunity to create washes and stack glazes with unprecedented freedom and control. The Aquaboard from the Ampersand museum series absorbs moisture and colour beautifully and doesn’t leave any bubbles on the surface. It is ideal for watercolours, casein and acrylics - a must have in your canvas and paint supplies collection.

Even though the Aquaboard shares the same Kaolin clay base as the Clayboard, its formulation and soft, absorbent, mineral coating with a unique granular texture, makes it more absorbent. The Aquaboard is available in a variety of sizes ranging from 1/8” flat panel, 7/8”, 1.5” and 2” cradle profiles that offer more flexibility for hanging and framing your work.

While using watercolour paper, artists often have this complain that it is difficult to lift off colour after a mistake. And if with harsh efforts, one manages to remove the colour, there is always the threat of accidentally lifting the under layers of colours with it. With the Aquaboard this problem is solved since it allows you to lift colour back to white without much hard work. You can create natural highlights and bright light back into your painting easily by using a damp brush that doesn’t blend but pushes against the surface.

Like mentioned above, these Aquaboards don’t require framing. You can avoid the additional weight and glare caused by framing and let your painting illicit its natural charm. Once your painting is done, you simply have to use a finishing spray and it will be ready to be presented. However, just like any other art supplies poster board, the Aquaboard also requires protection against the damaging effect of light and pollutants in the atmosphere. Ampersand recommends coating your final painting with several light coats of spray varnish. 


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